Thursday 22 December 2022

PowerShell: Universal Uninstaller (Script to fetch the uninstall string of all the installed apps)

There are multiple ways to get the installed apps removed from the device. This script particularly helps to find the uninstall string of all the installed apps from the registry, which include MSI, and EXE. The administrator can run this and choose the specific application to uninstall it.


$64apps=Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate, UninstallString, InstallLocation

$32apps=Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Select-Object DisplayName, DisplayVersion, Publisher, InstallDate, UninstallString, InstallLocation

$allinstalledapps = $64apps + $32apps

$RUninst=$allinstalledapps| Out-GridView -Title "Select Application to Uninstall" –PassThru | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UninstallString



foreach ($Run in $RUninst)


&cmd /c $Run





Get-Package -ProviderName msi -AllVersions| Out-GridView -Title "Select Application to Uninstall" –PassThru | Uninstall-Package -Confirm


Steps To Do:
1. Copy the code and save the script as XXX.PS1

2. Set the execution policy to run the script.

3. Execute the script as administrator and it will display the details in Grid view.

4. Select an app that has the uninstall string and click "ok" to proceed with uninstall.

5. Proceed with the next steps to uninstall the selected app.

Note: If there is no Uninstall String visible for an app, upon selecting that app will show you another grid view, where you can select and uninstall the app using the default PowerShell "Get-package" method.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

PowerShell: Script to display the Properties in MSI(Windows Installer)

For editing MSI we need to have a tool like ORCA, Install shield, Wise Package studio, etc.
By using the PowerShell script, we can get the properties from MSI without any tool.


Function Get-MsiProperties
              [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position=0)]
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]

    $MsiPath = Resolve-Path $MsiPath
    $type = [Type]::GetTypeFromProgID("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
    $installer = [Activator]::CreateInstance($type)

    $db = Invoke-MemberOnType "OpenDatabase" $installer @($MsiPath,0)
    $view = Invoke-MemberOnType "OpenView" $db ('SELECT * FROM Property')

    Invoke-MemberOnType "Execute" $view $null

    $record = Invoke-MemberOnType "Fetch" $view $null
    while($record -ne $null)
        $property = Invoke-MemberOnType "StringData" $record 1 "GetProperty"
        $value = Invoke-MemberOnType "StringData" $record 2 "GetProperty"
        Write-Output "$property = $value"
        $record = Invoke-MemberOnType "Fetch" $view $null

    Invoke-MemberOnType "Close" $view $null

Function Invoke-MemberOnType
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 0)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position = 3)]
        [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]$InvokeAttr = "InvokeMethod",

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position = 1)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position = 2)]
        [Object[]]$Arguments = $null


Get-MsiProperties -MsiPath "C:\subinacl.msi" | Out-GridView

Steps To Do:
1. Copy the code and save the script as XXX.PS1
2. Set the execution policy to run the script.
3. Execute the script and it will display the properties detail.

Note: Above script, has taken reference from the Microsoft Tech Net site.

MSI: Disabling Cancel button in Windows Installer repair dialog

During the first launch of an application with a current user self-repair feature, windows installer pops up a window with a cancel button. In other way(Self Heal by advertised shortcut)When the application is launched by advertised shortcut, it checks for all the key paths of the Current Feature, if any of the key paths is missing it will launch Repair.
During that repair is happening Users have the option to cancel out of this, leaving the self-repair incomplete. If the component key path has been written out, then the self heal of this component will not happen next time the application is launched.

How can we disable the cancel button on windows installer dialogs?

1. Create a custom action New VB script --> Stored in custom action.

2. Click on Next

3. Click on Next

4. Click on Next

5. Enter the following VB script code.
Dim Record
Set Record = Installer.CreateRecord(2)
Record.IntegerData(1) = 2
Record.IntegerData(2) = 0
Session.Message &H0B000000, Record

6. Click on Next

7. In-Script Execution : Immediate Execution. click on Next

8. Keep Install Execute Sequence at the very beginning.
Install Execute Condition: NOT REMOVE
#Action runs during Install and repair

9. Click on Finish.

After install, launch the advertised shortcut and you will see repair popup without cancel button.

The cancel button may appear for a short time when the self-repair starts, but will quickly disappear removing the ability for the user to cancel out of the self-repair.